Saturday, May 14, 2011


Onion powder, garlic powder, carrots, bell pepper, zucchini, tomato sauce, and whole, peeled tomatoes 

Spaghetti is a childhood favorite and I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to make spaghetti from the time they were old enough to boil water. I love spaghetti and I especially love its versatility. I think I can confidently say that no two spaghetti sauces I make taste the same. I don't have a set recipe, I just toss things into a pot and let it simmer for 1-2 hours and finito! I almost always make a meat sauce, so I start by cooking my meat in a pot that can hold sauce. Then I drain the meat of any excess oil (yea, I buy the cheap stuff and I'm not Then I add my 2 cans of whole, peeled tomatoes w/ one small can of tomato sauce along with whatever veggies I want to throw into the pot along with a little oregano and basil. Bring the pot to a boil with the cover on it and then simmer for a couple hours. Sometimes the veggies water down my sauce so I have to add a tbsp of flour. Since nothing I add is measured and I vary the vegetables quite a bit from sauce to sauce you can imagine the variety my spaghetti becomes. Nothing goes to waste though! I freeze any amount I do not use or will not use throughout the week.

Really, nothing goes to waste. My extra bit of zucchini for Bissel
Even my fish gets to enjoy the leftover veggies. He loves zucchini and cucumber.

The finished product.

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